




Challenge 3 APD “Awaken your power of decision”.

During this challenge you will learn:

- Connection with your purpose and vision.

- Practical and holistic techniques

- Confidence and security in agreements

This challenge is for you if...

- You struggle to make decisions on a day-to-day basis and you get your head spinning a lot.

- You find it difficult to prioritize and focus your energy on what really matters.

- You would like to develop a method that combines intuition and analysis to make clearer decisions.

- You have a good product and service, but you find it difficult to give it the value that makes you feel good.

- You are looking for practical tools to make decisions without pressure or uncertainty.

- You want to improve your emotional balance when facing complex decisions.

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(in Spanish)


“Consciousness and Decision Making.”


Speaker: José María Padial (Master in Sustainability and CSR, Economist, Actuary, Innovation/Digital Consultant and SFL Teacher).

Duration approx. 3 days. Free admission.




We share our vision of reality within the current paradigm and how we live spirituality on a daily basis.


NEW PARADEIGM: Frame of reference or means through which the new reality is interpreted. Its characteristics are reflected in different corollaries (propositions). It fulfills the universal principles by being fast, simple, fun, efficient and practical. In this new reality, we are guided by our internal sensations, highlighting peace, harmony and coherence. They help us to discern with more criteria between the new and the old paradigms, within this great play that is life.



INNER WORK: Process through which we become better people, with greater awareness, peace and happiness. By focusing on our inner sensations, we achieve greater mastery over our egos and develop strengths and virtues. It is the previous path for all those who feel the need to make changes.


"Know yourself and know the Universe and the Gods" (Temple of Apollo, Delphi).


Speakers: Álvaro and José María Padial.

Duration approx. 40 minutes. Free admission.




NEW PSYCHOLOGY: Study of the human soul and the meaning of existence, from the inner work and self-knowledge (on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).


Can psychology help us to heal in a holistic way in a few sessions?

How can be happy and find meaning in life?

How can we generate harmony in our family and in our closest environment?

What to do when our children have paranormal experiences?

Where can we start to make changes?


"Awareness and meaning of life."


Speaker: Álvaro Padial (Postgraduate in Clinical Psychology, Trainer and Innovation/Digital Consultant)

Duration approx. 20 minutes. Free admission.




Educational activity to share with family members and teachers of indigo, crystal and rainbow children. We will learn guidelines to generate harmony in the family and school environment, with simple practical cases. Through the 5 levels of consciential development scale we will identify different levels of consciousness and reach a higher level of self-knowledge. 


Speakers: Álvaro and José María Padial.

Duration approx. 1 hour. Free admission.




A playful activity, to share with families (children and adults), a magical moment singing and playing, making us all feel good. We will learn, with simple practical exercises, to communicate with the elemental beings that live in nature in its 5 elements (earth, water, air, fire and ether).


Next, we will learn how to orient ourselves in nature with dowsing (pendulum and metal rods). We will play looking for Hartmann and Curry lines. We will discover the location and orientation of an energetic vortex. We will pay attention to the signs that nature gives us (inclination of trees, furrows in the earth, etc.). We will play to find water and its alkalinity.


Speakers: Álvaro, José María and a special guest.

Duration approx. 1 hour. 400$/educational center.




With six meditations (forgiveness-release, abundance-protection, love-peace, consciousness-fortune, joy-gratitude and new Gaia), we achieve a state of deep relaxation, increasing our vibration. In a suitable energetic place we visualize, feel and share the energies of health, abundance, love, consciousness, gratitude and universal knowledge.


Duration approx. 25 min. each. Assessment: exchange.




In a suitable energetic place we perform four activities (multicolor sword therapy, heart chakra opening practice, third eye travel to the future, nature-etheric retreat connection) to activate our chakras and connect with other dimensions.


Duration approx. 15 minutes each. Assessment: exchange.




free course, accessible and in continuous evolution, especially recommended to all those with existential concerns, therapists and light workers, following the principles of the doctors of the Cosmos: fast, simple, funny, efficient and practical.


gift for the soul, come from the Stars, which gives us the opportunity to advance with faith, in our beautiful work of assisting others, on a path of life full of coherence, ethics and common sense. 


In a suitable energetic environment, we share 4 wonderful initiations. We become familiar again with the dimensional portals, we remember the endless applications of cosmic plasma, we feel the union with nature through animal communication and through action protocols, we obtain guidance for our assistencial work in different dimensions.


We are in a cosmic moment full of continuous changes. It is necessary to be flexible, to update our therapies and develop new methods, in order to reconnect with original therapies and then to be able to share them in our beloved planet Gaia.


We experience feelings of unity, health and universal knowledge. Our life project is confirmed and veils are removed from mental clarity. We achieve the activation of asleep abilities and, at the same time, we are released from physical conditioning, feeling an increase in our vibration and a greater connection with our higher Self. As a further gift, we enjoy feeling the photonic energy of the golden age and universal love, in a touching reencounter with our cosmic spiritual family.


With gratitude to all beings and guides who are working together to share this magical activity.

With love


Álvaro and José María

Duration 4 hours. Assessment: exchange or 40$.






DUAL THERAPY: a team of two therapists, applying several techniques at the same time, obtains intense results in the short and long term. Using high vibration crystals and oils, it is managed to release, transmute and harmonize the different bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). Optional remote.


THERAPY FROM the stars: (activation, regeneration, release and reunion). In a multidimensional journey we reconnect with our origins, past experiences and loved ones. Through a timeless line we are taken to another dimension, where we are free from densities, it is activated asleep capacities and the DNA of our cells is regenerated. Existential answers are found and the connection between parents and children is reinforced. A gift for the soul from the stars.


ION PHOTONIC SESSION: we make an interdimensional trip to the great central Sun, Alcyone, to integrate there universal photonic energy there. We awake and activate our DNA, bringing us closer to our great cosmic family and confirming our light mission. A gift to our beloved planet Earth.


energetic CLEANING AND HARMONIZATION: (offices, housing, buildings, gardens, fields, lakes, etc.). Through an initial test on-site or remote, we identify underground water channels, fault lines, energetical software, electronic emissions, psychic phenomena, and so on. The buildings and open spaces are an extension of our essence. By making their harmonization and release also benefit their owners and all who dwell or work there.


We speak: English, Español, Deutsch.

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